Meet the Team
Jack Lee
Lecturer ( Group Leader )
- Cardiac Mechanics & Coronary Blood Flow Modelling
- Multiscale Finite Element & High Performance Computing
- Microvascular Structural Imaging Techniques
- Image Segmentation and Mesh Handling for Multiphysics Simulations
- Poromechanical Soft Tissue Modelling
- Clinical Translation of Biophysical Models
DPhil, Computational Biology, The University of Oxford
Andrew Cookson
Postdoctoral Research Associate
- Poromechanical Flow & Transport Modelling
- Virtual Imaging of Myocardial Perfusion
- Scientific Software Development
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Vascular Prosthesis Design
- Mixing in Laminar Flows
Ph.D. Aeronautics, Imperial College London
Valentina Davidoiu
Postdoctoral Research Associate
- Image Denoising and Reconstruction
- Vascular Extraction
- Non-Linear Iterative Methods
- Synchrotron micro-CT Phase Retrieval
Ph.D. CREATIS, Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon
Lauren Fovargue
Postdoctoral Research Associate
- Electro-Mechanical Modelling and Simulation for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
- Finite Element Mesh Generation from Patient Specific MRI's
- Automation of Meshing and Simulation Pipeline for Large Patient Populations
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Lucas Hadjilucas
Postdoctoral Research Associate
- Image Analysis and Segmentation
- Coronary Vessel Segmentation from High Magnification Cryomicrotone/Perfused Micro-CT/MR Images
- Vessel Network Skeleton Extraction and Reconstruction
- Big Data Processing/Visualisation
Ph.D. Image Processing, Imperial College London
Simone Rivolo
Postdoctoral Research Associate
- Left Ventricle Mechanics and Coronary Physiology Interactions in Healthy and Diseased Patients
- Coronary Blood Flow Modelling
- Coronary Wave Intensity Analysis
- Signal Processing
M.Sc. Mathematical Engineering, Politecnico di Torino
Matt Sinclair
Postdoctoral Research Associate
- Validation of Quantitative Perfusion MRI
- Microsphere Skimming in the Coronary Circulation
- Automated Ventricular Cubic Hermite Mesh Fitting
Ph.D. Computational Biology, King's College London